Keeping up

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There’s endless information out there for us to read, watch, listen to and engage with. Choosing what to consume is a daunting task. In hopes of making it just a little bit easier, I’ve shared a super short list of content that:

Doesn’t make me feel hopeless. It might even make me feel hopeful!

Isn’t oozing with emotions or opinions. I have enough of my own.

Expands my mind and leaves me inspired.

Is fact-based with reputable sources cited.

Doesn’t aim to shame or perpetuate cancel culture

This list is a WIP. Check back soon for more ;)




The Story of More: How We Got to Climate Change and Where to Go from Here by Hope Jahren (2020)

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer (2013)

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson (1962)


“Soil Carbon Restoration: Can Biology do the Job?” by Jack Kittredge, Policy Director of NOFA (Northeast Organic Farming Association) — August, 2015

75% of Earth's Land Areas Are Degraded by Stephen Leahy, written for National Geographic — March 2018
A report warns that environmental damage threatens the well-being of 3.2 billion people. Yet solutions are within reach.

How Racism Has Shaped the American Farming Landscape by Megan Horst, written for Eater — January 2019
U.S. agriculture today appears to be just as segregated as it was a century ago, with farmers of color at a significant disadvantage. As a follow up to this article, check out EWG’s article published in February 2021: USDA Data: Nearly All Pandemic Bailout Funds Went to White Farmers.

Why Communities Should Invest in Regenerative Agriculture and the Soil Sponge by Didi Pershouse — April 2019
This paper spells out why it’s imperative for communities to invest in green infrastructure and regenerative agriculture that literally strengthens the land beneath our feet and flips our food system right side up.

“Nearly 1 in 3 Americans experienced a weather disaster this summer. Climate change has turbocharged severe storms, fires, hurricanes, coastal storms and floods — threatening millions” published by the Washington Post — September 2021
Lucky for you, even if you don’t have a subscription to the Washington Post the title of this article will give you a good idea of how climate change is affecting basically everyone.

“Can dirt save the earth?” by Moises Velasquez-Manoff, published by the New York Times — April 2018

“Is Regenerative Agriculture Profitable?“ by Artem Milinchuk, founder and CEO of FarmTogether, published by Forbes — January 2020
Spoiler alert: YES.

“TRASH IN AMERICA: Moving From Destructive Consumption To A Zero-Waste System” Report from U.S. PIRG — February 2018
Americans make up just 4% of the world’s population but produce more than 30% of the planet’s waste. This report details the effects of American overconsumption, including water contamination, air pollution, habitat destruction, and global warming. The report also examines how good policies can minimize the proliferation of waste and incentivize reduction, repairs, reuse, recycling, and composting.

“Regenerative Agriculture and the Soil Carbon Solution” by Jeff Moyer, Andrew Smith, PhD, Yichao Rui, PhD, Jennifer Hayden, PhD; published by Rodale Institute — Summer 2020
This 28-page white paper confidently declares that global adoption of regenerative practices across both grasslands and arable acreage could sequester more than 100% of current anthropogenic (human caused) emissions of CO2 and that stable soil carbon can be built quickly enough to result in a rapid drawdown of atmospheric carbon dioxide. We know enough to have real hope now! And with this hope comes the responsibility to journey down a new path. This paper is exciting and educational. It’s an invitation and a call to action for us to follow a new path — one that leads to regeneration.



Green Dreamer Podcast — Listen on Spotify here
Green Dreamer dives deep into the exploration of collective healing and ecological regeneration. Curious to unravel the dominant narratives that stunt our imaginations, and called to spark radical dreaming of what could be, this podcast shares conversations with an ever-expanding range of thought leaders who inspire us to deepen and broaden our awareness in their own ways.

Podcast Episodes

We’re talking about climate change wrong | Jonathan Safran Foer, bestselling author & environmental activist (mindbodygreen Podcast, episode #302) — April 2021
“We cannot save the planet with micro-changes. We cannot save the planet without micro changes,” says Jonathan Safran Foer. This conversation includes actionable ways, plus:
*How to talk to someone about climate change without lecturing*
*How to stay motivated in your efforts without falling off-course*
*How to transform feeling into action when it comes to climate change*
*How to actually influence people and change their minds*
*How to have a productive conversation with people who disagree with you*


Purchase Guides

Regenerative Farm MapRegeneration International (RI)
This map has been created and shared by Regeneration International (RI), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit on a mission to reverse global warming and end world hunger by facilitating and accelerating the global transition to regenerative agriculture and land management. I recommend using this map to find farms near you that use regenerative farming practices.

#EAT4CLIMATE Purchasing Guide
This guide outlines how we can eat well and regenerate the planet by making conscious purchasing decisions. The guide outlines steps that we can all take to #EAT4CLIMATE: know your food source, grow your own when possible, compost, choose meat and dairy that’s regenerating the land vs. polluting it, support (ACTUAL) sustainable fisheries and regeneration projects to revitalize ocean & river ecosystems, and know your annuals & perennials (i.e. eat what’s in season).



Kiss the Ground — 2020
Kiss the Ground is a non-profit organization with a mission to awaken people to the possibilities of regeneration. I watched their 2020 documentary at a really pivotal time in my life. The films message served as my “aha” moment. I can’t recommend it highly enough. There are a few ways you can watch the film as described on their website, including Netflix and Vimeo.

A New (Re)Generation — 2021
Watch this 24 minute short film for free on YouTube. The film follows Carrie Richards. Richards always had a feeling she’d take over the ranch that’s been in her family since 1941, but didn’t expect to radically change the way her family had managed the land for generations. Through research, trial and error, and a tireless multi-generational effort, Carrie has been able to implement regenerative farming methods that build back soil and revitalize the land. By stewarding the land regeneratively - focused on the full spectrum of health from soil to cattle to community - Carrie is bringing new life to the family ranch and illustrating the wonderful possibilities of regeneration. “It’s not the cow, it’s the how!”

The Seeds of Vandana Shiva — 2021
Jane Goodall’s review of this 2021 documentary tells you all you need to know: “All of us who care about the future of Planet Earth must be grateful to Vandana Shiva. Her voice is powerful, and she is not afraid to tackle these corporate giants that are polluting, degrading, and ultimately destroying the natural world.” Do yourselves a favor and watch this documentary. It’s beautiful. Right now the only way to watch is through a watch party, so check out the website and get a group together to learn about one of our greatest heroes.

TED Talks

How your waste can change the world | Ashley Baxter | TEDxUQ — July 2021, 11 minutes
Ashley eloquently articulates the positive impact the “sustainability super solution” (aka composting!) has on public health, the economy, and our environment <3

Climate change will displace millions. Here's how we prepare | Colette Pichon Battle — January 2020, 12 minutes
TIMELY TIMELY TIMELY! This is incredibly important for all humans to watch.

Regenerative Culture | Finian Makepeace | TEDxSantaCruz — June 2020, 15 minutes
A must watch. This TEDxSantaCruz talk is one of 22 surrounding the theme “the Art of Hope”.

How regenerative farming can help heal the planet and human health | Charles Massy | TEDxCanberra — November 2018, 17 minutes
In this talk, Charlie Massy draws on his decades of farming experience and research to propose regenerative methods of farming that don't harm the land and the planet in the way industrial agricultural practices does. Charlie shows us the success he personally had with regenerative agriculture.

Educational Clips & Short Videos

Why Make Soil? — January 2019, 5 minutes
Josh Whiton, founder of MakeSoil, brilliantly explains why we should all make soil.

What is the soil food web? — November 2019, 6 minutes
Soil is alive. Soil isn’t just a medium for plants to grow in. Soil itself has it’s own food web system and even has a microbiome (a gut) like humans! This video is short, sweet, and informative.

How regenerative agriculture can help farmlands thrive and improve ecosystems — September 2019, 4 minutes
After starting a farm in North Dakota during the 1990s, Gabe Brown quickly he learned that industrial agriculture methods weren’t resilient to any out-of-the-ordinary weather events, and were expensive & resource intensive AF. This video explains his transition to regenerative farming which includes principles and practices to improve soil and promote diversity. By planting a mix of crops, using minimal chemicals, and letting animals graze freely, his family farm is THRIVING and so are the lands around it.

How Wolves Change Rivers — February 2014, 4 minutes
This video is beautiful and explores the most remarkable trophic cascade ever witnessed in the U.S. when wolves were reintroduced to their natural habitat in Yellowstone National Park after nearly 70 years of absence. It’s incredible to see how interconnected all the species and the land they occupy are and how much they need one another.

Dan Kittredge, Bionutrient Food Association - Kiss The Ground — March 2017, 1 minute & Regenerating Soils to Improve Nutrient Density of Foods — May 2018, 23 minutes (optional: start at 7:20 mark)
The first video is a little teaser to get you interested in how healthy soil = healthy food that’s more delicious and nutritious than food grown in poor soil. In the second video, Dan explains how nutrient density works AND puts the Bionutrient Meter on our radar, a tool his organization, the Bionutrient Food Association, has built to help us measure the nutrient density in our food.

Excerpt from "Hope in a Changing Climate" — April 2015, 7 minutes
This video will make you smile & feel full of hope. Watch to witness how a piece of baron land in China called the Loess-plateau is transformed into a green fertile one which lifts the community that inhabits it out of poverty while radically improving the physical environment and reducing the threat of climate change. Hungry for more? The same soil scientist brings us on a journey in Jordan with the video, Regreening the desert.

Plastics: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) — March 2021, 22 minutes
Oliver never fails to break down complex matters into layman’s terms.

Farmer’s Footprint | Regeneration — April 2019, 20 minutes
The sleepy background music might make you think about closing out the video player, but don’t. This video is extremely important to watch. A four generation farm was nearly destroyed due to industrial agriculture methods and the pressure that big AG put on them. Sadly, this is not unique scenario for farmers these days. However, there is hope. This farm was saved by implementing regenerative methods that restored their land (and wallets).

The Story of Stuff — 2009, 21 minutes
This fast-paced, fact-filled video exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental & social issues and the ways we extract, use, and dispose all the stuff in our lives.